WELCOME TO SEASON 4!! Today we have licensed marriage and family therapist, Kateri Ross, joining me to kick off the season with an episode about Confidence vs. Insecurity. We are using the subject of confidence as an umbrella topic because beneath that umbrella lies some key behavioral characteristics that often determine if we are, in fact, confident…or if we’re actually insecure!
Some of those characteristics include:
Judgment, Vulnerability, Arrogance, Humility, Over Sharing on Social Media, Self Awareness, Negative Thinking, Apologizing, Perfectionism, Hyper-Sexuality
In this episode we will talk about each of these characteristics & discuss whether we think the presence or absence of each one is a sign of confidence or insecurity.
If you live locally and want to get in touch with Kateri, you can find her online at https://www.thinkwell.health/
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