Meet Maya. Her story begins nearly 20 years ago, at age 26, with a difficult break up and a prescribed SSRI. A prescription that led to her picking up the pieces of her health for over a decade later. It’s been 13 years since she last took this medication and now looking back, she wonders if she ever really needed it to begin with.
As a population I think the majority of us appreciate the relief antidepressants provide when our mental health hangs in the balance. Especially when our capacity for survival is at risk. But many of us are not warned in advance about the possibility of severe side effects or ways to mitigate them. When these medications are prescribed appropriately, one would assume the benefits should outweigh the risks. If severe side effects persist, we trust that our physicians know what is best and would adjust our prescriptions accordingly. In Maya’s case, a cascade of physical side effects such as gastrointestinal issues, gut dysbiosis, overactive bladder, significant weight gain, and severe sleep disturbances were the result of 6 years on a prescription that her body simply could not tolerate.
In this episode Maya tells us her story and our resident therapist Kateri Ross LMFT is back to walk us through some of our questions regarding standard protocols for mental healthcare.
We talk about the difference between taking an SSRI temporarily versus the need to be on one permanently.
We discuss our grievances with health insurance companies regarding the lack of mental health care benefits for most individuals when it comes to long term psychiatric therapy.
We also dive into why coupling therapy alongside an SSRI prescription is vitally important for long term healing.
We discuss the issue of tapering off of an antidepressant and the importance of doing it correctly.
And SO much more!
Please be advised that this episode is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or psychiatric advice or treatment. Always seek the advice of YOUR personal qualified healthcare provider with any follow up questions or concerns you might have with respect to what is best for YOU and your health.
Visit Kateri Ross, LMFT online at Her website covers her approach to therapy, pricing, and how to contact her for scheduling.
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